Locked Down But Not Out

benjamin weinberg
3 min readMar 15, 2020
Empty School — photograph by author

By the time you read this, we will have navigated two days of ASM Virtual School. I wrote to the staff about the lessons learned. I would like to share a few with you:

  • We need to ensure there is time to get away from the computer and screen.
  • We need to ensure that classwork and schoolwork do not lock us all even further from the world.
  • We need to build in time to get out, step away, regain equilibrium and balance.
  • We need to make sure we connect and share.

But now, today, I want to look further ahead than next week and consider how we want to remember this time.

Later, when this time has passed, we’ll tell stories of grocery stores sold out and newspapers that printed a special toilet paper insert. Later, we’ll ask, “Where were you when the coronavirus came?” Some of us will remember the time as a family time of reading, games, and puzzles. Some of us will remember the anxiety and fear as numbers rose and we wondered about our loved ones far away.

We’ll remember the memes and the comics and jokes. People have always turned to humor for relief and comfort when times are hard and life is disrupted.

We may remember what we weren’t allowed to do, how our lives became smaller. We can choose to experience this as loss or we can see…



benjamin weinberg

Writer, walker, poet, educator. Commercial fisherman, builder, donut maker, organic grower. Boston, U. City, Maine, South Africa, Madrid.